Sitecore Role Configuration
Starting from Sitecore 9, you can use Rule Based Configuration to choose which configuration should be applied for each Sitecore instance. Sitecore already has 2 predefined rules, Role and Search, but we will also use a custom one.
You can find the documentation here: Rule-based configuration
What is needed
We had 3 server roles (Standalone, Content Delivery, Content Management) for our instances. The instances are configured according to its roles and that was causing too many config files.
What is achieved
- Made configuration settings dependent on a rule
- Easy to manipulate, assign
If you hadn't already separate your AppSettings, you can start by doing that. Then you should simply add a reference to your AppSettings on web.config.
<appSettings configSource="App_Config\AppSettings.config" />
On your AppSettings.config file, you can define your rules.
But also, you can separate each environment and define these environment specific settings there. You should add a reference to these files and name them same as your referenced file at top of your main AppSettings.config:
But also, you can separate each environment and define these environment specific settings there. You should add a reference to these files and name them same as your referenced file at top of your main AppSettings.config:
<appSettings file="EnvironmentAppSettings.config">
You can add the following to EnvironmentAppSettings.config for your local environment for rule configuration:
<add key="role:define" value="Standalone" />
<add key="env:define" value="Local"/>
EnvironmentAppSettings should include what you need at this point, for instance Acceptence Content Delivery server can have the following:
<add key="role:define" value="ContentDelivery"/>
<add key="env:define" value="Acceptance"/>
To start using these rules, whether they are custom or not, in your configuration, you should also register them at top. For example, following adds the custom "env" rule:
<configuration xmlns:env="">
Then you can use them in each setting:
<sc.variable name="dataFolder" env:require="Acceptence" value="\Data" />
You can customize rule values according to your needs. If you need a setting to work on your both Acceptence and Production environments:
env:require="Acceptence or Production"
or you want it to work on only Content Delivery server:
env:require="Acceptence or Production" role:require="ContentDelivery"
or you want it not to work on one environment: